# dict as `__slots__` Published: 05 November 2020, 18:00 `__slots__` [can be used to save memory](https://t.me/pythonetc/233). You can use any iterable as `__slots__` value, including `dict`. And starting from Python 3.8, you can use `dict` to specify docstrings for slotted attributes `__slots__`: ```python class Channel: "Telegram channel" __slots__ = { 'slug': 'short name, without @', 'name': 'user-friendly name', } def __init__(self, slug, name): self.slug = slug self.name = name inspect.getdoc(Channel.name) # 'user-friendly name' ``` Also, `help(Channel)` lists docs for all slotted attributes: ```python class Channel(builtins.object) | Channel(slug, name) | | Telegram channel | | Methods defined here: | | __init__(self, slug, name) | Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature. | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | Data descriptors defined here: | | name | user-friendly name | | slug | short name, without @ ```