Python etc / class scope

27:[27 34]warning'be found' may be passive voice. Use active voice if you can.write-good.Passive
29:[18 24]warning'is used' may be passive voice. Use active voice if you can.write-good.Passive
29:[65 69]warning'it is' is too wordywrite-good.TooWordy
31:[4 6]errorDon't start a sentence with 'So,'write-good.So
54:[4 6]errorDon't start a sentence with 'So,'write-good.So
57:[295 304]warning'are looked' may be passive voice. Use active voice if you can.write-good.Passive
59:[70 74]warning'it is' is too wordywrite-good.TooWordy
59:[73 81]warning'is looked' may be passive voice. Use active voice if you can.write-good.Passive