Python etc / atexit

2:[117 127]warning'be executed' may be passive voice. Use active voice if you can.write-good.Passive
3:[14 17]warning'only' is a weasel word!write-good.Weasel
3:[21 23]warning'few' is a weasel word!write-good.Weasel
3:[36 40]warning'it is' is too wordywrite-good.TooWordy
5:[75 83]warning'is called' may be passive voice. Use active voice if you can.write-good.Passive
9:[104 114]warning'be executed' may be passive voice. Use active voice if you can.write-good.Passive
10:[6 8]warning'few' is a weasel word!write-good.Weasel
16:[4 10]warning'However' is too wordywrite-good.TooWordy
16:[112 116]warning'it is' is too wordywrite-good.TooWordy
16:[115 125]warning'is executed' may be passive voice. Use active voice if you can.write-good.Passive
16:[147 156]warning'is printed' may be passive voice. Use active voice if you can.write-good.Passive