bend: char creation

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+# Bend: Making a character
+## The process
+There are two kinds of stats you're going to pick: mechanical and role playing. Mechanical affect numbers and possibilities, role playing affect how the character behaves.
+1. Attributes
+1. Strength
+1. Iconic item
+Role playing:
+1. Drive
+1. Pride
+1. Problem
+1. Flaws
+## Skill checks
+Every adventure has a lot of challenges. When you're running from a monster, trying to understand alien language, reading footprints, convincing the police that you've seen the kid missed 40 years ago, how do you tell what's going to happen next? Whenever it's uncertain whether or not your hero can overcome a challenge, it's time to roll a skill check.
+Skill check means that you roll two six-sided dice and add the number corresponding to the most appropriate attribute. For example, to lift a heavy rock you add your strength modifier. If the value is equal or bigger than the challenge set by the DM, you succeed. Failure at the roll means that your hero either botched it outright, succeeded in a way that was singularly unhelpful, or was foiled by some unexpected outside influence.
+For example, you're trying to squeeze into a tight hole leading into an undersground cave system. So, you roll 2 six-sided dice and add your dexterity modifier which is for your character is 3. You rolled 8 and with the modifier it is 11. The DM checks his notes and the challenge rating for this is 9. Since 11 is bigger than 9, you succeed. On failure, the character could stuck in the hole.
+Before making a skill check, you can anounce that you want to spend some of your luck points to add them to the roll. So, the final formula is:
+2d6 + attribute + (optional) luck points >= challenge rating
+The DM can reward luck points for good role playing. Also, some strengths can give luck points for some actions. Every adventure starts with 1 luck point plus luck points rewarded between sessions, all unused ones from the previous adventure are lost.
+When you're under pressure and something must be done immediately (in a heat of battle), instead of 2d6 you roll one tweelve-sided die. Why all that complication? Because it gives different probabilities. See these links: [2d6]( and [1d12](
+## Attributes
+There are 6 attributes:
++ **Strength**: physical prowess, melee combat, carrying gear, brute force
++ Constitution**: hardiness, enduring injury, resisting toxins, going without food or sleep, long run duration.
++ **Dexterity**: agility, balance, coordination, reflexes, evasion, reaction time, short run speed.
++ **Intelligence**: memory, reasoning, technical skills, general education.
++ **Wisdom**: noticing things, making judgments, reading situations, intuition.
++ **Charisma**: commanding, charming, attracting attention, being taken seriously.
+Distribute among them the following numbers: 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4. Bigger is better.
+## Strength
+Pick one:
++ **Animal friend**. You have unusual empathy and understanding with animals. Spend 1 luck point to ask an animal a question or ask it to do something.
++ **Bully**. Add +3 to rolls for persuading someone with violence.
++ **Charlatan**. You can do "magic" tricks.
++ **Cool Under Pressure**. Spend 1 luck point to roll 2d6 instead of 1d12.
++ **Easygoing**. Gain 1 luck point on a failure.
++ **Gross**. You have some kind of gross bodily trick (loud, quiet, smelly... up to you) that you can do on command.
++ **Healer**. Spend 1 luck point to do first aid.
++ **Heroic**. Spend 1 luck point to ignore fears for 6 seconds.
++ **Intuitive**. Spend all luck points to ask the GM about your surroundings, an NPC, or the like. The GM must answer honestly.
++ **Loyal**. Spend luck points for someone else's roll.
++ **Lucky**. Spend all luck points to reroll a check.
++ **Prepared**. Spend all luck points to just happen to have an item with you. You had it all the time, nobody just asked!
++ **Protective**. Add +2 to rolls when defending one of your friends.
++ **Rebellious**. Add +2 to rolls when resisting persuasion.
++ **Skilled at X**. Add +2 to all rolls when doing X. For example, running, fixing tech, recalling a knowledge.
++ **Suspicious Mind**. If someone lies to you, you know it.
++ **Tough**. Spend 1 luck point to ignore an injury.
++ **Treasure Hunter**. Spend 1 luck point to find a useful item in your surroundings (if there is any).
++ **Unassuming**. Spend 1 luck point to not be seen for 6 seconds, within reason.
++ **Warrior**. You know how to make and use weapons. Making weapon includes slingshots and crossbows, using also includes shotguns, rifles, pistols. Usually kids don't have real weapons, though.
++ **Wealthy**. Spend luck points to buy useful items between adventures.
+## Iconic Item
+Pick a reaonable item that your character may have. You always have it for you, you value it. Also, it gives +2 bonus if you use it for a skill check. A few examples:
++ Notebook / diary
++ Bike / Skateboard
++ Lucky Bat
++ Dog
++ Walkie-talkie
+## Drive
+This is what drives your character, makes you go into adventures, even risk your live. Pick one or make your own:
++ They say I'm the most curious person alive.
++ Drawn to anything different or strange
++ I'll do anything to get away from home.
++ I'm in it for the thrill.
++ It's the right thing to do.
++ There is more to this world than what meets the eye.
++ My friends need me.
++ I love mysteries.
++ I want to find answers to the big questions in life.
++ I need something to brag about.
+## Pride
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-# Kids on bikes
+# Bend: Intro
 ## The City
@@ -38,6 +38,14 @@ When we finish building all characters and the world, you'll be able to go into
 If can read a bit more on specifics here: [What defines a "West Marches" campaign](
+## The theme
+## The DM
 ## The plan
 1. Create your character.
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-# DRM for SWN
+# DRM as the reason for Silence
 I like the idea of Scream and technological decay, and find it easy to believe. However, I decided to add one more reason for the Silence and losing pre-tech: DRM.
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ When the license is expired or the piece of tech got broken for natural reasons,
 + Most people just threw away now useless pieces of scrap.
 + Some people hoard it in their backyard for the same reason as you keep these beautiful notebooks you're never going to use.
-+ Not all pieces of ppretech were protected, and some were protected partially. For example, there are still pre-tech ships with replaced board computer and maybe spike drive. All plugs are also proprietary which complicates a bit the replacement procedure but they can be replaced as well.
++ Not all pieces of pretech were protected, and some were protected partially. For example, there are still pre-tech ships with replaced board computer and maybe spike drive. All plugs are also proprietary which complicates a bit the replacement procedure but they can be replaced as well.
 + Some genius engineers managed to bypass the protection and make a piece of pretech work without a license. Few of them, but they are the reason why we managed to stay on the TL4 level without getting all the way back to TL3.
 ## Fate of corporations