riddles and hooks

diff --git a/pythonetc/README.md b/pythonetc/README.md
index ab6555f..660cd14 100644
--- a/pythonetc/README.md
+++ b/pythonetc/README.md
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@ You don't need telegram to read the channel using the link above. If neither of
 ## To schedule
-1. ./sqlite3.md
 1. ./str-chain.md
 1. ./json-allow-nan.md
 1. ./sre-parse.md
@@ -50,3 +49,4 @@ These are ideas for future posts. Let me know if you want to write a guest post
 + atexit
 + Lazy annotations hype
 + del
++ destructor
diff --git a/pythonetc/sqlite3.md b/pythonetc/sqlite3.md
index d852037..2557fc3 100644
--- a/pythonetc/sqlite3.md
+++ b/pythonetc/sqlite3.md
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# sqlite3
+Published: 4 May 2021, 18:00
 Python has a built-in module [sqlite3](https://docs.python.org/3/library/sqlite3.html) to work with [SQLite](https://sqlite.org/index.html) database.
diff --git a/rpg/bend-hooks.md b/rpg/bend-hooks.md
index 49dd9a6..c18d618 100644
--- a/rpg/bend-hooks.md
+++ b/rpg/bend-hooks.md
@@ -18,6 +18,17 @@
 + There is a trial next week on a strange man at **courthouse**. The man wears tin foil hat and claims to know more about the city than anyone else.
 + X noticed that one of the **water tanks** appears to be never used.
+## Bubblegum hooks
++ Someone have stolen the bike of X
++ Someone blackmail X
++ church thiefts
+## TftL hooks
++ X heard how birds are talking on English
++ X have seen dinosaurs
 ## In-game
 + There is a trap in the forest. Who set it?
diff --git a/rpg/bend-riddles.md b/rpg/bend-riddles.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5904e6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpg/bend-riddles.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+# Bend riddles
+## Immediate
++ Pins of keys matching words for symbols (bat, wolf, snake, spider)
++ invisible inks on walls, floor, everywhere
++ 4 chain, should be tied together
++ pointless leveler
++ maze, moving maze
++ display that shows a camera image of another room and has markings on it.
++ musical notes spelling a word ("dead")
++ open/close words on different languages that show which locks to rotate
+  + ...
+## Require a hint
++ pressing plates on the floor
++ a door that is open only in darkness: "Are you so blinded by your sight that you can not find you way?"
++ Highlighted words are the numbers for the code (to, for, won, ate)
++ a password that must be spoken by a particular person.
+## Metroid
++ Color combining crystals.
+  + red and blue is purple
+  + yellow and red is orange
+  + blue and yellow is green
++ pieces of a bigger image, pages from a diary
++ rotate symbols based on how they are displaied on a door. Symbols are hidden somewhere in the dungeon.
+## Curiosities
++ how to scale a wall (rope?)
++ a heavily barricated door with a monster inside
++ lift that roof makes a bridge