diff --git a/notes-en/ncd.md b/notes-en/ncd.md
index 5e27bb2..1722e32 100644
--- a/notes-en/ncd.md
+++ b/notes-en/ncd.md
@@ -54,7 +54,9 @@ $$ S=(-{\frac {2}{4}}\log_{2}{\frac {2}{4}})[t] + (-{\frac {1}{4}}\log_{2}{\frac
## Use entropy in NCD
-[Entropy encoding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_encoding) is a kind of compression algorithms that compress data by
+[Entropy encoding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_encoding) is a kind of compression algorithms that compress data by making entropy of input sequence higher. Sequence with low entropy has big redundancy, and we can encode this message better. For example, we can encode every bigram in the text by new codes and make encode for most frequent bigrams ("th" for English) with shortest code. This is how [Huffman coding](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huffman_coding) works. So, Entropy of a sequence proportional to the size of compressed data, because sequence with lower entropy we can compress better.
+If we want to use entropy as `Z` in `NCD` we have one issue to solve. Entropy can be 0, so we can catch division by zero in the `NCD` formula.
## Let's practice!
@@ -146,7 +148,6 @@ for name, content in licenses.items():
# show 5 most similar
sorted_distances = sorted(distances.items(), key=lambda d: d[1])
for name, distance in islice(sorted_distances, 5):
@@ -157,7 +158,7 @@ Ok, let's have a look which qval works better:
# calculate entropy for chars
-$ python3 tmp.py 1 gpl-3.0
+$ python3 compare.py 1 gpl-3.0
gpl-3.0 0.0000
agpl-3.0 0.0013
osl-3.0 0.0016
@@ -165,7 +166,7 @@ cc0-1.0 0.0020
lgpl-2.1 0.0022
# calculate entropy for bigrams
-$ python3 tmp.py 2 gpl-3.0
+$ python3 compare.py 2 gpl-3.0
gpl-3.0 0.0000
agpl-3.0 0.0022
bsl-1.0 0.0058
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@ gpl-2.0 0.0061
unlicense 0.0065
# calculate entropy for words (qval=None)
-$ python3 tmp.py "" gpl-3.0
+$ python3 compare.py "" gpl-3.0
gpl-3.0 0.0000
agpl-3.0 0.0060
gpl-2.0 0.0353
@@ -184,21 +185,21 @@ epl-2.0 0.0677
Calculating entropy by words looks most promising. Let's calculate it for some other licenses:
-$ python3 tmp.py "" mit
+$ python3 compare.py "" mit
mit 0.0000
bsl-1.0 0.0294
ncsa 0.0350
unlicense 0.0372
isc 0.0473
-$ python3 tmp.py "" bsd-3-clause
+$ python3 compare.py "" bsd-3-clause
bsd-3-clause 0.0000
bsd-3-clause-clear 0.0117
bsd-2-clause 0.0193
ncsa 0.0367
mit 0.0544
-python3 tmp.py "" apache-2.0
+python3 compare.py "" apache-2.0
apache-2.0 0.0000
ecl-2.0 0.0043
osl-3.0 0.0412
@@ -235,6 +236,12 @@ df = pd.DataFrame(distances, columns=['name1', 'name2', 'distance'])

+What we can see here:
+1. NCD detects families of licenses: `gpl-*`, `bsd-*`, `cc-by-*`, `epl-*`, `eupl-*`, `ms-*`.
+1. [wtfpl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WTFPL) and [zlib](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zlib_License) are the most unusual licenses.
+1. ...
## Further reading
1. [Clustering by Compression](https://homepages.cwi.nl/~paulv/papers/cluster.pdf)